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CIS is C++ library and its Python wrapper. This is the implementation of Subdivison Alogrithm[1]. CIS was built from scratch. It is already being that the implementation of Subdivison Alogrithm, which it is GAIO[2].


I'm very sorry. I don't write documents yet.


Subversion repository https://cis.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cis/tags
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~$ svn checkout https://cis.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cis/tags/REL-0.4.5 cis-0.4.5

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Henon map
(x, y) -> (1.4 - x^2 + 0.8 y, x)

green: attractor
blue: repeller
yellow: maximal invariant set

5.References & Links

[1] M.Dellnitz, G.Froyland, and O.Junge, The algorithms behind GAIO - set oriented numerical methods for dynamical systems, in Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems, Springer, Berlin, 2001, 145-174.

[2] GAIO project page

[3] Boost C++ Libraries

[4] The Boost Graph Library

[5] Boost.Python

[6] T.Kacynski, K.Mischaikow and M.Mrozek, Computaional Homology, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 157, Springer-Verlag, 2004.

[7] Computaional Homology Program


Name: Susumu YAGI
email: yagi0132((at sign))users.sourceforge.net
Please feel free to contact me.

second-year master's degree student at
Quantum Science course, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nihon University(Tokyo, Japan)

passion inside

I need to study programing and English.

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